
AES Encryption/Decryption Chrome Extension


This Chrome extension allows users to easily encrypt and decrypt data using the AES encryption method as base64. It detects all requests, enabling you to select any request and view its details as a JSON tree. When the extension cannot parse the data to JSON, it attempts to decrypt it.


This extension add a tab named Crypto-AES to the Chrome DevTools panel, so you must have the DevTools panel open to use it.


Other pages

Installation from Chrome Store

  1. Download the extension from the Chrome Web Store (link).
  2. Open chrome devtools tab in any page.

Installation from Release Zip

  1. Go to Release Zip
  2. Download “” from the latest release and decompress it.
  3. Navigate to chrome://extensions in your browser.
  4. Enable the “Developer mode” toggle in the upper-right corner.
  5. Click “Load unpacked” and select the extension folder.

Installation from Repository

  1. Download this repository (
  2. npm i
  3. npm run build
  4. Navigate to chrome://extensions in your browser.
  5. Enable the “Developer mode” toggle in the upper-right corner.
  6. Click “Load unpacked” and select the extension folder.


  1. Open the extension by clicking on Crypto-AES tab in Chrome Devtools.
  2. Navigate through the different sections (Requests, Encrypt, Decrypt, Config) to perform encryption, decryption, and configuration tasks as needed.

Usage from Console

  1. Open Console tab in Chrome DevTools
  2. You can use the value CryptoAES for using available extension functions.

Available Functions to be executed from Console

Decrypt Function

The decrypt function is defined in decryptScript.js. It decrypts the given input using AES encryption.

•	input: The data to be decrypted.
•	key_param: The key used for decryption.
•	iv_param: The initialization vector used for decryption.
 CryptoAES.decrypt(object, "A Key Aalue","A IV Value" )


1. Requests

This tab displays a list of requests in the left sidebar, and shows the details of the selected request in the right section.

Requests tab

2. Encrypt

This tab allows you to encrypt any data by selecting the desired settings, such as mode, padding, Initialization Vector (IV), and secret key.

Encrypt tab

3. Decrypt

This tab allows you to decrypt any data by selecting the desired settings, such as mode, padding, Initialization Vector (IV), and secret key.

Decrypt tab

4. Config

This section lets you set default values for decryption in the Requests tab.

Config tab